Wednesday, September 24, 2014

30 Day Blogging Challenge from Te@chThought: Day 24

In response to the recent challenge from te@chthought, I'm participating in a 30 day blogging mission, starting September 1st!

Day 24
Which learning trend captures your attention the most, and why? (Mobile learning, project-based learning, game-based learning, etc.)

The one that's got me fired up right now is Design Thinking.  The way I see it, it's project-based learning in its purest form.

I'm facilitating Design Thinking in a small team of 5 middle schoolers who signed up to build an Identity Booth.

Ever heard a StoryCorps recording?  These 5 students are going to create something like that!

Right now, my school is in the process of learning about / reflecting on Identity.

The questions students, employees, and families are thinking about this year:
  • What is identity?
  • How is identity developed?
  • How does my understanding of identity development support my role in our school?
As a teacher, I'm merely guiding students into the design thinking process:

What I love about this process is that it's student-driven from the very beginning.
  1. Students need to develop a sense of empathy for their creation's ideal end user. 
  2. Next, they need to define their focus.
  3. Brainstorming!
  4. Creating the first prototype.
  5. Testing it out - a lot!
The cycle repeats itself again and again until the product has achieved the designers' goals.

More info as this project unfolds!

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