Tuesday, September 23, 2014

30 Day Blogging Challenge from Te@chThought: Day 23

In response to the recent challenge from te@chthought, I'm participating in a 30 day blogging mission, starting September 1st!

Day 23
Write about one way that you “meaningfully” involve the community in the learning in your classroom. If you don’t yet do so, discuss one way you could get started.

I can't wait to make this upcoming project a reality:

There's a map in the main office of our school that parents, visitors, and other community members can see every day.  It labels the names of all of our buildings, fields, gardens, memorials, and even works of art.

My 7th & 8th grade media arts classes are teaming up with 6th grade history to complete a real-world map that interacts digitally with mobile devices.

When you hover the device over an item on the map, a movie begins to play on the device's screen that informs the viewer about that part of the map with photos, video, audio and text.  It creates an immersive experience that seamlessly blends online and real-world resources.

We're planning on designating an iPad to live in the main office for visitors to use and experience this collaborative, community piece.

The iPad software used to accomplish this is called Aurasma.

One excellent bonus feature to this piece is that the movies can be tagged to GPS coordinates.  This means that any community member walking around campus can use Aurasma to learn more about their surroundings, wherever they are, thanks to this project our 6th, 7th, and 8th graders are collaborating on to produce.

Can't wait til it's up and running!

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