Friday, July 18, 2014
Light Paintings by Maya & Lucy
These are Light Paintings that Lucy & I took with a hula hoop. After we took the photos, I put them on photoshop to make a collage with some of the different light paintings.
Altered Landscape-Red Team (Maya)
Altered Landscape: Omnia
Process: This photo was created in Photoshop, where I stitched four photos together and then edited it in Picmonkey where the saturation was lowered and a filter was added.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Red Team Blog Post (Maya)
Omnia Research:
Stop Motion Animation of Flower Drawing
The video above is a stop motion animation of a flower drawing that was inspired by the wildflowers on planet Omnia. These flowers are very important, as they generate oxygen that allows the crew researching Omnia to breath without using up their space suit oxygen.
Update on Work: Everyone has been hard at work today and because of that, all of the 3D Logos are printed out and ready to be worn. Our warp speed is almost complete (just need to use After Effects for a few edits) and other than that, we are up to date on our work here in Omnia.
We have discovered a few more species living in the forest. One we've decided to name (The Bumbleouse), which is like a mouse, but with black and yellow striped bodies and small wings, and a stinger that we've discovered (through experience) has a venom that can induce dangerous swelling to the skin. We have also seen small animals (around the size of a tennis ball) that are furry creatures with shells almost like those of a turtle and sharp claws. We took one into the lab for research and discovered that they are blind, however they can sense movement through antena located at the front of their head.
Stop Motion Animation of Flower Drawing
The video above is a stop motion animation of a flower drawing that was inspired by the wildflowers on planet Omnia. These flowers are very important, as they generate oxygen that allows the crew researching Omnia to breath without using up their space suit oxygen.
Update on Work: Everyone has been hard at work today and because of that, all of the 3D Logos are printed out and ready to be worn. Our warp speed is almost complete (just need to use After Effects for a few edits) and other than that, we are up to date on our work here in Omnia.
We have discovered a few more species living in the forest. One we've decided to name (The Bumbleouse), which is like a mouse, but with black and yellow striped bodies and small wings, and a stinger that we've discovered (through experience) has a venom that can induce dangerous swelling to the skin. We have also seen small animals (around the size of a tennis ball) that are furry creatures with shells almost like those of a turtle and sharp claws. We took one into the lab for research and discovered that they are blind, however they can sense movement through antena located at the front of their head.
Purple Twine Story
Heres a link to the purple team Twine story.
Its based on the book Dune by Frank Herbert.
Its based on the book Dune by Frank Herbert.
Purple team post
Here is our progress report:
1. Warp speed video- Finished .
2. Altered landscape- Finished.
3. 3D logo/badge- All printed except one.
4. Blog posts- All blog posts up to date and finished.
5. Twine- Very complex and almost done.
6. Minecraft Render- still trying to find appropriate world.
I will put in an updated post at the end of the day.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Purple team image post
Journal of DR. Martin D. Kynes Imperial Xenologer
Planet: Terra 3
Setting: 8 miles out of Krysto Base
Time: Thursday 8:36 AM
\\\\ This planet is fascinating! although it looks like a sparse and barren landscape to most it is teeming with life! So far me and my fellow researchers have acquired and cataloged 266 forms of plant life and 39 different animals. And this is only within a 120 mile radius of our 3 settlements!////
Time: Thursday 12:15 PM
\\\\ We have Discovered 2 new plants today!
one is a light grey bush that clings on to the dunes and eats bugs by luring them on to its barbed fronds with little drops of water. I am writing this as I get ready to eat lunch with the rest of my crew.////
Time: Thursday 8:08 PM
\\\\ I am now going home to my family we have accomplished much today and I am footsore and weary I hope my wife has a good meal cooking, my children are now most likely tucked into their beds. I love this work, I love this planet.////
Planet: Terra 3
Setting: 8 miles out of Krysto Base
Time: Thursday 8:36 AM
\\\\ This planet is fascinating! although it looks like a sparse and barren landscape to most it is teeming with life! So far me and my fellow researchers have acquired and cataloged 266 forms of plant life and 39 different animals. And this is only within a 120 mile radius of our 3 settlements!////
Time: Thursday 12:15 PM
\\\\ We have Discovered 2 new plants today!
one is a light grey bush that clings on to the dunes and eats bugs by luring them on to its barbed fronds with little drops of water. I am writing this as I get ready to eat lunch with the rest of my crew.////
Time: Thursday 8:08 PM
\\\\ I am now going home to my family we have accomplished much today and I am footsore and weary I hope my wife has a good meal cooking, my children are now most likely tucked into their beds. I love this work, I love this planet.////
![]() |
The desert plants we found today |
Orange Team: Day Three (Jonathan)
The things that can drive change in human society are so far from why we should change that it inspires awe.
After a price increase for the pigmentation of yellow paint caused by unrest in the Federation of West Ghana, we were told our name had been changed to better suit the color of paint required. No, the color was not changed to the suggested black to absorb heat; no, it was not changed withstand torture from the atmosphere; it was changed to save a few dollars. Perhaps it was a good decision to save money, but why then do they focus their efforts in places where the change will be so insignificant as to be practically nonexistent? Why do they not instead focus on improving the efficiency of the engine or removing weight? I cannot understand. Yet I should, for I too act with similar thoughts and actions. That we can understand and yet not do is something that baffles me and many other scientists. The human mind is an area that exists right at home - and yet we instead choose to explore the deep reaches of space instead.
Ah well though. I am not a philosopher by any means, nor am I being paid to argue all the faults of the human race. I am here to push boundaries, wherever they may be. To concern myself with matters besides is to unnecessarily burden myself. I should instead concern myself with the underperforming hyperdrive and that we are weeks behind schedule (to no one's surprise unfortunately) and that the team is little more then a group of undertrained, under equipped adrenaline junkies and pseudo scientists leaving to a planet with no real purpose beyond pushing the boundaries of what we can do. But how can one help but think about such things when chaos and suffering is so obvious that vultures gather like dark clouds? How can one not help but think "Why is this more important then the lives of thousands?" Ah, but there are so many problems and so little time.
I grow world-weary with my age. Perhaps this break from my home will allow me to forget the suffering and enjoy the few joys we are given with life. This trip both is one of sorrow and joy, intermingled together in a complex web like that of woven silk. It seems as though this journey represents all of life tied together.
Perhaps I have grown to be a fat philosopher too with age. But it is nigh but impossible to distinguish wisdom from ignorance. Where one lies on the scale of "too little" to "too much" is so hard to tell that I feel that the only way to find out is to reach the middle and find the golden mean.
Enough though. The journey - whatever it may truly be - will be to Diapason upon a great rocket. What the planet has in store for me I do not know. But to ponder the future too much is to sacrifice living in the present. Whatever there is for me there, I shall soon know.
After a price increase for the pigmentation of yellow paint caused by unrest in the Federation of West Ghana, we were told our name had been changed to better suit the color of paint required. No, the color was not changed to the suggested black to absorb heat; no, it was not changed withstand torture from the atmosphere; it was changed to save a few dollars. Perhaps it was a good decision to save money, but why then do they focus their efforts in places where the change will be so insignificant as to be practically nonexistent? Why do they not instead focus on improving the efficiency of the engine or removing weight? I cannot understand. Yet I should, for I too act with similar thoughts and actions. That we can understand and yet not do is something that baffles me and many other scientists. The human mind is an area that exists right at home - and yet we instead choose to explore the deep reaches of space instead.
Ah well though. I am not a philosopher by any means, nor am I being paid to argue all the faults of the human race. I am here to push boundaries, wherever they may be. To concern myself with matters besides is to unnecessarily burden myself. I should instead concern myself with the underperforming hyperdrive and that we are weeks behind schedule (to no one's surprise unfortunately) and that the team is little more then a group of undertrained, under equipped adrenaline junkies and pseudo scientists leaving to a planet with no real purpose beyond pushing the boundaries of what we can do. But how can one help but think about such things when chaos and suffering is so obvious that vultures gather like dark clouds? How can one not help but think "Why is this more important then the lives of thousands?" Ah, but there are so many problems and so little time.
I grow world-weary with my age. Perhaps this break from my home will allow me to forget the suffering and enjoy the few joys we are given with life. This trip both is one of sorrow and joy, intermingled together in a complex web like that of woven silk. It seems as though this journey represents all of life tied together.
Perhaps I have grown to be a fat philosopher too with age. But it is nigh but impossible to distinguish wisdom from ignorance. Where one lies on the scale of "too little" to "too much" is so hard to tell that I feel that the only way to find out is to reach the middle and find the golden mean.
Enough though. The journey - whatever it may truly be - will be to Diapason upon a great rocket. What the planet has in store for me I do not know. But to ponder the future too much is to sacrifice living in the present. Whatever there is for me there, I shall soon know.
purple team post
Hi guys! our warp speed project is wrapped up and our badge is finished so now all we have to do is to finish the storyboard, make the minecraft desert world and finish the altered landscapes. The Minecraft project is really frustrating, you see since our planet is a desert planet we have to find a large desert biome but I just can't seem to find one!! :( I have found swamps, grasslands, pinetree forests, mushroom biomes, arctic biomes, ocean biomes and many more but I just can not find a desert!!! anyway I can promise you our projects will turn out great. I will also get a post up with some info from our planet told from the colonists point of view Bye for now!
- The PURPLE team
purple team post
Hi guys sorry I didn't get this post out earlier but I want to tell you are planet name our planet name was going to be GEMINI 7 but we decided to change it to TERRA 3 because GEMINI 7 only sounded cool and didn't have much meaning behind it. so we decided on TERRA 3 because it could mean either the third planet earth has colonized or the third earth-like planet found, also I think it sounds just as cool. our planet will be a bit like the desert planet Arrakis in Frank Herbert's book DUNE.
Red Team Blog (Maya)
Today's work: Annika, Elise and Lucy worked on Tinkercad to make pins for the Red Team to wear, and Maya blogged Omnia's daily report, made a story on Twine and used Photoshop to make three
altered landscapes. (Pictures on the bottom)
Omnia, the moon we have arrived on, is full of plant life. There are flowers that produce bubbles of oxygen, allowing us to breath, and vines that can heal humans, so there is no need for medical equipment or oxygen tanks. The temperature is quite warm, but there are purple clouds that drift down at night, causing the temperature to drop rapidly. There are several animals on this planet, many that can be heard at night, their calls echoing through the forest, but so far we've only encountered a few. There are small squirrel-like creatures with wings that live in underground burrows, large birds with blue feathers and red tails, and small insects living on giant mushrooms that can leap forward. There is plenty of ripe fruit growing from trees with red branches, but we're not quite sure if they're edible, so we eat the food that we've brought from Earth, stocked in our spaceship.
Signing off until tomorrow's report,
altered landscapes. (Pictures on the bottom)
Omnia, the moon we have arrived on, is full of plant life. There are flowers that produce bubbles of oxygen, allowing us to breath, and vines that can heal humans, so there is no need for medical equipment or oxygen tanks. The temperature is quite warm, but there are purple clouds that drift down at night, causing the temperature to drop rapidly. There are several animals on this planet, many that can be heard at night, their calls echoing through the forest, but so far we've only encountered a few. There are small squirrel-like creatures with wings that live in underground burrows, large birds with blue feathers and red tails, and small insects living on giant mushrooms that can leap forward. There is plenty of ripe fruit growing from trees with red branches, but we're not quite sure if they're edible, so we eat the food that we've brought from Earth, stocked in our spaceship.
Signing off until tomorrow's report,
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Orange Team Post
Red Team Blog
Red Team Blog
Maya worked on warp speed on iMovie.
Elise made planet name: Omnia, and blogged.
Annika researched planet names, and made kaleidoscope warp speed videos.
Lucy started making 3D logo, and made altered landscape.
Monday, July 14, 2014
Future Generators 3D Summer Camp
Catlin Gabel Summer Camps
7/14 - 7/18
3D-print a future civilization on another planet. Practice design skills using Adobe After Effects and TinkerCad 3D modeling software as we do a science-fiction (or science fact?) exploration of what life might be like on distant alien planets - and how humans might make it there to explore and coexist. Learn 3D printing, animation, motion graphics, and some of the prevailing theories on extraterrestrial life to inspire our investigation.
7/14 - 7/18
3D-print a future civilization on another planet. Practice design skills using Adobe After Effects and TinkerCad 3D modeling software as we do a science-fiction (or science fact?) exploration of what life might be like on distant alien planets - and how humans might make it there to explore and coexist. Learn 3D printing, animation, motion graphics, and some of the prevailing theories on extraterrestrial life to inspire our investigation.
Thanks to recent discoveries around warp drives, the possibility to travel to distant planets is closer to reality. What would it look like out the windshield to travel faster than light speed? Numerous sci fi films have depicted this theoretical phenomenon, and teams in this camp have multiple tools at their disposal to create a short animation that we'll share on this blog.
Here are each team's plans for their warp speed effect:
ORANGE TEAM: Python, applescript, weavesilk
PURPLE TEAM: Linear pattern design, perhaps with lights
RED TEAM: Inspired by the mandala meditation video, take pictures using Photo Booth's kaleidoscope
Thanks to recent discoveries around warp drives, the possibility to travel to distant planets is closer to reality. What would it look like out the windshield to travel faster than light speed? Numerous sci fi films have depicted this theoretical phenomenon, and teams in this camp have multiple tools at their disposal to create a short animation that we'll share on this blog.
Here are each team's plans for their warp speed effect:
ORANGE TEAM: Python, applescript, weavesilk
PURPLE TEAM: Linear pattern design, perhaps with lights
RED TEAM: Inspired by the mandala meditation video, take pictures using Photo Booth's kaleidoscope
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Bullet Blitz, is a simple game, where the goal is to reach your target. You do this by dodging obstacles, and collecting coins along the way. As of right now, there are only two modes but I plan to change this in the future.
Created in GameMaker lite
Here is a clip of the game on regular mode
Secret RPG (Difficult) Mode
Created in GameMaker lite
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Day 2: Level design using @PixelPressGame Floors app; student achievements memorialized in shrinky dink
— Brendan Gill (@MrBlendy) July 8, 2014
Achievements 7/8:
Cole: Big Mistake Remedied; Hi Score; Happy Mistake
Colin: Big Mistake Remedied; Easter Egg; Happy Mistake; Good Sound
Dylan: Big Mistake Remedied; Easter Egg
Ethan: Big Mistake Remedied; Good Sound
Jack: Big Mistake Remedied
John: Big Mistake Remedied; Cheat Codes
Jesse: Big Mistake Remedied; Hi Score; Happy Mistake
Kellen: Easter Egg; Good Sound
Luke: Big Mistake Remedied; Cheat Codes
Michael G:
Michael A: Big Mistake Remedied
Téa: Hi Score;
Cole: Big Mistake Remedied; Hi Score; Happy Mistake
Colin: Big Mistake Remedied; Easter Egg; Happy Mistake; Good Sound
Dylan: Big Mistake Remedied; Easter Egg
Ethan: Big Mistake Remedied; Good Sound
Jack: Big Mistake Remedied
John: Big Mistake Remedied; Cheat Codes
Jesse: Big Mistake Remedied; Hi Score; Happy Mistake
Kellen: Easter Egg; Good Sound
Luke: Big Mistake Remedied; Cheat Codes
Michael G:
Michael A: Big Mistake Remedied
Téa: Hi Score;
Monday, July 7, 2014
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Video Game Design Camp Starts Tomorrow!
While we won't be using these rad iCade cabinets, we will put a set of iPads to good use as part of our tech resources in the Video Game Design Camp starting tomorrow! As part of Catlin Gabel's Summer Programs, kids will choose from a number of design tools to create and play-test each others original games. Unity, Game Maker, Twine, Game Salad, Adobe Flash, Scratch, Hopscotch, Pixel Press Floors, and will challenge students' problem-solving, project management, while building introductory computer programming skills. Can't wait to see what the campers come up with!
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